Home improvement is the renovation or remodeling of a residence. It can be as simple as painting or as complicated as installing a new kitchen or bathroom. Home improvement is a popular pastime for many homeowners, and a good way to increase the value of one’s property. However, some projects can actually detract from a home’s value, so it is important to choose wisely.
The rise of home-center chains and the popularity of television shows such as Bob Vila’s This Old House contributed to a growth in the industry. The DIY movement also increased, as people began to embrace the idea of making repairs and upgrades themselves rather than hiring professional contractors.
Many of the best home improvement projects don’t require large amounts of money, but they can have a major impact. For example, replacing old windows can greatly improve a home’s appearance and reduce utility bills. Other low-cost projects include re-grouting tile, power washing the exterior of a house and painting.
Some upgrades, such as an in-house theater or customized electronics, can actually detract from a home’s resale value. These features can be off-putting to potential buyers, who may want a more neutral space. Also, built-in technology can quickly become obsolete, so it is best to stick with standard fixtures and appliances.